Auditor's Dinner Time Story - Auditor VS HRD

This story is bout how unfair life by becoming auditor (vs HRD).

 Here's the story,

Once upon a time, in a KAP, where the function of HRD, secretary, cash in/out, are held by one person who only have degree in marketing, most of the auditors felt like this person is like pain in the ass (survey to more than 10 persons).

This person knows nothing bout auditor's life but to minimize cost as low as possible, which is make the auditors really feel gigantic pain in their ass.

Most of humans sensitive about money.
We're working hard in order to get money.
Only a few people who is really generous whose never complain to work harder than other without asking for any return.
But life is getting harder and more expensive in every aspect these days,
So money matters become very sensitive area.

Why I said this person is really a gigantic pain in the ass:
This person is demanding auditors to come on time 8 am to 5 pm to office, meanwhile this person often comes to office above 9 AM, said that " I have child n husband to be taken care".
Ok, maybe we could understand.
But what can't be understood,  instead of asking nicely "where have you been?why you get to office this late?", this person snickered people who comes late to office impolitely.
This person should know that AUDITORS 50% AT CLIENT, 50% AT OFFICE, and the ratio can be 70:30 if we talk about never ending peak season.
We're not like you who 100% AT THE OFFICE.

We, as auditors, sometimes we can't choose the location of our client. Near or far, we must deal with that.
But we expect that the office would understand and give rational M&T rate.
As person who mostly traveled by public transportation, if you ask me how to go to one place to another, and the estimated cost, I could answer that.
Or if you are never go by public transportation, you can google it.
I'm sure this person is very rarely travel by public transportation.
Is this person already read "how to calculate taxi meters?" or "Public Transportation Fares 2013" ?
Me as a critical auditor and a person who sits in the middle of top management and staffs, spend some of my time to observe the idea where the regulation of M&T comes.
No survey, no good socialization, what can you expect from ur employees with the salary slightly below average of middle class office?"

This is ridiculous area, where auditor can get the answer about the reimbursement "O my God! I FORGOT to process ur claim (laughing)"
Meanwhile, we as auditors, are work very hard to meet the dateline, and after we work hard and pay our obligation, we claim our right, but we get such a ridiculous answer, wow, this person really test our patience.
And sometimes, we can get small amount of claim in 2 until 3 months later.
And when we get big amount as we deserved, this person said innocently " can you get such a big pay for your reimbursement?"
Hello, if you want get the same number, work hard as what we did, not stick your ass on goddamned chair!
This person really have no idea bout the auditor's life.


Why could this small area is mentioned in this discussion? Because this person do not have any respect to auditors who work overtime, when we as auditors have the right to have overtime meal.
This person often to "forget" to give the money, try to "care" by "asking how many person who work overtime" but without pay of attention for the person whose work overtime so the overtime money is less, or, say "how if use your money, later we'll pay (which can be 2 or 3 months later)"
I just can say wow... Is that really a person you hired to held a HRD function? Is that really the "procedure"?

What we want is money from the office, not from our boss' pocket.
And the behavior that show that you're not too silly to perform your duty.

No matter how good the office looks from the outside, without good human resource management, the atmosphere will be just the same.
