The Long Story Behind The "Skripsi" - Part 1 - Welcome To End Of Semester

Hello all,

It's been a while since my last post.
I've been busy finishing my thesis or we can call it Skripsi.
Fortunately, I DID IT! I finally finished my skripsi with a perfect score.
Therefore, I would like to share to all my fellas bout the skripsi journey.

Before we start, I would like to remind u to DO NOT EVER CALL YOUR THESIS AS SKRIPSHIT.
Because I believe in law of attraction, the secret theory, the secret recipe for every success that I have achieved in my life.
Instead of called it skripshit, I called my skripsi as SCRIPTSWEET. 
And it applies to all aspects, such as my skripsi folder name, the term that I used when I talk about it with my friend, and etc.
Because, once you think negatively about it, it will carry onwards.
So, let's start it with the terms "SCRIPTSWEET"

Tentukan dulu, tugas akhir apa yang mau lu buat.
Skripsi, Tugas Akhir Magang, Apa Studi Kasus?
Kalau skripsi, tema apa yang mau diambil?
Untuk memberikan gambaran, niiiii gue kasih tau perbedaannya.

Gue pribadi sih merasakan banget bahwa skripsi itu sangat menyita waktu, dan apabila lu ga punya komitmen kuat buat menyelesaikannya, pasti akan ketunda dan ga maksimal.
Jadi, ketika lu memutuskan untuk mengambil skripsi, lu harus benar-benar berkomitmen, apapun yang terjadi, HARUS SELESAI!

Kenapa gue ga milih magang, karena gue pernah ngambil itu pas D3, dan menyusun tugas akhir magang.
Gue merasa ga tertantang aja (belagu). Padahal pas ngerjain skripsinya sih matiii jugaaa. Ahaha.

Sedangkan studi kasus, gue sangat ga kepikiran, karena masih belum tau dan ada gambaran banget mengenai studi kasus itu. Tapi kata temen gue yang ambil, menyenangkan kok. Kaya "Magang dalam bentuk Skripsi".

(To Be Continued....)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for the comment.
      Ga tau harus komentar apa.
      Semoga bermanfaat :)

  2. yang punya blog mantan gw ahahhaah


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