Money vs People

Well, I wanna share you my experience and perspective related to that title.

Have you heard about a phrase "money can't buy happiness"? 
But also heard another phrase said "but money can buy me ticket to Paris or Hermes" 
Kinda contradictive, right?

But this time I wanna take you this topic to the work-life balance perspective

Back in my darkest age when I have thought that
money is everything and everything is about money, 
I forgot something that also matter
People around you

Sometimes as human,
We believe that we have certain power over something
In this case, when you have more income than someone
When you feel you pay them to do something
When you feel you have more things than other person
You forgot, that those whom you have showed, the money, the pride, the status, the words, the behavior, is someone who also struggle just to have a lil piece that you had.

As someone who works in service industry
That so far, still depending on its human resource,
I need to remind you that,
It's human who makes your business runs well
So it is very important to treat your human right.

Maybe you think that,
"What? I have put my money, time, effort, to make them smarter, better, understand them, but they still behave like that. It's useless."
"What? You think your way better? Look, you still lost, they still leave you, no matter how much effort you have done. So why should I follow you?"

Or you see someone
Asking for a help
To do something that outside your main job
That is not benefited you
Or the Company
Then you refuse it, reject it, not wanting to help
Just because "why should I help her/him? She/he makes my life miserable"
Even though the fact that you can actually help them effortlessly,
Just because of the odd mindset which prevents you to be a good person

I feel sorry for that

We live with others
Dependent each other
No matter how independent we are
Because as our nature, we, humans, are actually, social beings
That's why it is very important to be nice, kind, and generous in every aspect of our life.

Sometimes I feel sad and bad
For people who don't want to help each other
Just because they don't want that person to be better than them
Not because they can't actually help them
But they just don't want too
Eventhough that cost them nothing
Real nothing

Who the hell I am talking like this
Like I'm an angel who always help unfortunate people in this whole world'm not
I'm just a person who try my best to unleash my peak performance in every aspect of life
Who try my best to become a better person every year
Who try my best to be good to others every single day

I ain't no angel
I'm just a saint.
Haha. Just kidding.
I'm nobody.
Literally nobody.
But like I said, I just try those good things, because it feels good to be good

I feel that, when I become more positive in my life,
I feel better about myself,
And hopefully it radiates people around me

Back to the topic
So, don't you ever think money always comes first
Or money always wins
Or money is everything
Yes, we need money for living
Without money we can't buy food, drink, gas, pay our bill, and everything we have now

But don't you be blinded by the shine of your dime
That it makes you forgot the moment you were born and will die later
You wore nothing, will become dust, and return to the earth, eventually

Just be kind to others
With your words
With your behavior
Because you don't know the struggle that someone has to face in a day, right?

If you have been doing kind, nice, and good to people
Well, I am so proud of you!
Thank you for doing that for yourself!
You did a good job!
Your kindness can mean a world to someone's worst day
And keep doing that!
Maybe not everyone can see that
But always believe
That there must be someone out there
Who watch you
And proud for every good deeds you do

For those who met me at my worst, 
My darkest age
I'm truly sorry
My deep apologize
I feel terrible that I gave you terror 
Traumatized experience
Wish I could turn back time,
I would become a very nice and humble person that I always wanted
Experience and mistakes are the best teacher, right?
Even tho it costs me a lot

However, during those time,
I feel so blessed and lucky to have such a wonderful BFF who always believe in me
From day 1 we met, back in 1996.

She studied about human
Works in human resource field
Cares so much in people development
Which can balance me who works in financial service industry
Which everything is about money
So I know, that sometimes, in certain moment, 
We must put people first
Above everything
Without her, I might still blinded by my dimes and pride
That actually nothing, compares to rich and warm-hearted person, like, Bill Gates, maybe?

Lesson learned:
  1. Yes, money can make you happy, make you can buy things you want, or go somewhere you dream of, but money isn't everything
  2. It's not that hard to make someone's day better, simply a smile, a thank you, or a hello and how are you is enough
  3. If you don't want to become a better and nicer person, it's okay. Your call. But, don't you regret it someday.
Well, what have been done is done
Let's become a better person!
Shall we?
